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Look your best, from the start.

The Best Treatment Options for Neck Rejuvenation

Kybella® in Cleveland, OH

As one of the first areas that begin to show aging, the neck is often a major “trouble area” for those in their 40s, 50s, and beyond. Not only is the skin on the neck thinner than that of the face, muscles in the neck weaken with age, and a loss of collagen causes the skin to sag and wrinkle. If you are tired of the appearance of your aged neck, read on for the best rejuvenation treatment options.

Neck Lift

A neck lift, which is often performed alongside a facelift, is the gold standard for achieving a smooth and youthful neck. This procedure is a great option for those who are experiencing signs of aging in the neck. During the procedure, the muscles and skin on the neck are lifted and tightened to combat sagging skin, wrinkles, and weakened muscles. There is downtime required, so patients should take time off work and activities to allow for a full recovery.


For those who would like to combat a double chin rather than signs of aging, Kybella is a great option. This injectable treatment contains deoxycholic acid, which works to break down and absorb dietary fat. Not only does Kybella skip the anesthesia, is also requires minimal downtime, so you can be on with your day in no time! Most patients require 2-4 treatments, each spaced two months apart to see final, long-lasting results.

If you are interested in improving your neck contour, contact our office today! Dr. Husni is a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in many forms of plastic and cosmetic surgery, and can help you achieve the neck contour you desire.