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Look your best, from the start.

New Research Shows Positive Results of Facelift Surgery Five Years Later

Facelift in Cleveland, OH

Naturally, for patients here in Cleveland, cosmetic surgery is a major decision that comes after asking many questions and learning about procedures thoroughly. One of the questions we’re frequently asked is how long results will last. For quick procedures, like a Botox injection or something comparable, manufacturers have provided us with solid facts. We know, in the case of Botox for example, that results tend to last between three and six months. For other more invasive procedures, less is known when it comes to how long results last.

A new study has shed light on the way patients look more than five years after having undergone a facelift. In the study, 50 patients were photographed five and a half years post surgery so that experts could compare the results in several key areas. First, objective measurements were taken, such as the angle of the chin to the neck and jowl height. More subjective reviews of the lines around the nose, mouth, and chin were also made. Finally, the patient’s overall facial appearance was considered.

The study delivered some concrete evidence of the positive long-term effects of a facelift. The total scoring indicates that about 76% of patients will still look younger five and a half years after a facelift than they did before undergoing the procedure. We hope to see our Cleveland cosmetic surgery results tracked in the future, so we’ll be able to share even more insight on the results you can expect from your experience!